Claire Chase Demo 0.1 released! Feedback is appreciated!

Finally, after a little more than one month working on it I can release the demo for Claire Chase: Love⚡Struck!

It's the first time I work on a game from start to finish and since I'm doing it by myself I expect tons of things to go wrong... There's probably a milion typos, for starters. Feedback is really appreciated, whether it is cause you found errors or you think some sprites don't correspond to their text or literaly anything that jumps your mind! If you find things that just straight up make no sense, keep in mind English is not my first language and I may have wanted to translate something literaly which went very wrong, so I will be really greatful if you feel like you found one of this things and point it out.

This demo only contains the introduction of the game, where I set up the characters for the later romance interactions and the mystery for the investigation / deductions.

I'm counting on my art and writing skills getting better over time, but for now I hope you enjoy what is the first taste of the first one in a short "Claire Chase" series of visual novels!

Thanks for reading!


Love⚡Struck DEMO 0.1 34 MB
Oct 16, 2017

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